Saturday, February 23, 2008

4 Jobs I have had in my lifetime:
1. Bank Teller
2. Hotel Admin. Assistant
3. Bookkeeper
4. Office Assistant

4 Films I have watched over and over again:
1. The Mask of Zorro
2. Grease
3. Top Gun
4. Dr. Doolittle

4 TV Shows I watch religiously:
1.Grey's Anatomy
2. Scrubs
4. GemsTV

4 Places where I have lived:
1. Idaho

4 of my Favorite Foods:
1. Mashed Potatoes
2. Pasta
3. Chocolate
4. Cookies (pretty much any kind)

4 Favorite Colors:
1. Green
2. Blue
3. Brown
4. Ivory/Taupe

4 Places I would love to be right now:
1. In my bed
2. Mexico, on the beach
3. Dancing
4. With my family

4 Names I love but would never use on my own kids:
1. Brandon
2. Madeline
3. Gavin
4. Julia

4 People that I am tagging and they MUST do this same thing:
1. Holly
2. Janet

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